Regular Expressions

Regular expressions (often abbreviated as regex) can be used in some search fields to search for text patterns. For example, [LlDd]caron matches any of the following: Lcaron, lcaron, Dcaron, and dcaron. Characters that have a special meaning in patterns (such as . or ?) can be found by prefixing them with a backslash \, for example, \. or \?.


Matches any character (a, ., -, a space, …).


Matches any character within the square brackets. For example, [ae]acute matches both aacute and eacute.


Matches any character that is not within the square brackets. For example, [^au]-cy matches e-cy and o-cy but not a-cy or u-cy.


Matches any digit: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. \D matches any character except for digits. For example, A\.00\d matches A.000 and A.003 but not A.00F or A.123.


Matches word characters: letters, digits, and the underscore (_). This is the same as writing [a-zA-Z0-9_]. For example, \w+ finds a and alpha, but not a-cy. \W matches any character except for word characters.


Matches the preceding pattern zero or one time. For example, oe? finds both o and oe; [ae]?breve finds abreve, ebreve, and breve; and grave(comb)? finds both grave and gravecomb.


Matches the preceding pattern zero or multiple times. For example, A.* finds A, AE, Atilde, and Alpha.


Matches the preceding pattern one or multiple times. For example, A.+ finds AE, Atilde, and Alpha, but not A.


Matches the preceding pattern n times. For example, a{5} only finds aaaaa and \d{3} finds 000 and 123 but not 12 or 1234.


Like {n}, but finds the preceding pattern between n and m times. n may be 0 and m may be left off not to set an upper limit. a{0,1} is the same as a?, a{0,} is the same as a*, and a{1,} is the same as a+. For example, \d{3,5} finds 123, 1234, and 12345, but not 12 or 123456.

Useful patterns include:


Matches any glyph that starts with a.


Matches any glyph that ends with a.


Matches any glyph that contains a hyphen.


Matches any glyph that contains a dot.


Matches any glyph that ends in a dot followed by digits.


Matches any glyph that ends in a dot and three digits and does not contain any digits before that.

When finding and replacing with regular expressions, use \1, \2, … to insert parts of the found pattern in the replacement. The parts must be enclosed in round parenthesis in the find pattern. In the replacement pattern, use a backslash followed by the number referencing the parenthesized part.

For example, search for (\d)(\d) and replace it with \2\1 to swap two digits (15 becomes 51 or 03 becomes 30). See also Search Field.