Edit View

Edit glyph outlines, spacing, kerning, mark-positioning, hinting, and more in Edit View. Edit a glyph by double-clicking it. Open multiple glyphs in Edit View by selecting them and choosing View → New Tab (Cmd-T). In Font View, a selection of glyphs can also be edited by double-clicking the selection or pressing Cmd-Down Arrow.

A Glyphs window can contain multiple Edit View tabs. Switch to a tab by clicking its tab title. Press Cmd-Opt-2 through Cmd-Opt-9 to switch to the respective tab. Cmd-Opt-1 switches to Font View, which is always the first tab in the window.

Switch to the next or previous tab with View → Navigation → Show Next Tab (Ctrl-Tab) or Show Previous Tab (Ctrl-Shift-Tab). Close a tab by moving the mouse cursor over its title and clicking the close  button or choosing View → Close Tab (Cmd-Shift-W). Close all tabs except for the current one by holding down the Option key when clicking the close button. Restore an accidentally closed tab by holding down Option and choosing View → Reopen Last Closed Tab (Cmd-Opt-Shift-W).

Edit View has two modes: text mode and edit mode.

  1. Drawing Paths

    Creating paths with the Draw, Pencil, and Primitives tools

  2. Editing Paths

    Selecting, transforming, deleting, aligning, connecting, and other path editing features.

  3. Graphic Attributes

    Stroking and masking paths.

  4. Anchors

    Connecting glyphs and components using anchor points.

  5. Guides

    Aligning points to magnetic, local, and global guides.

  6. Info Box

    Inspecting and editing glyph information.

  7. Glyph Display

    Zooming, panning, and other view options.

  8. Background

    A separate layer for temporary outlines.

  9. Entering Text

    Inserting glyphs by name or character and previewing texts.

  10. Measuring

    Inspecting sizes, coordinates, and distances.

  11. Annotating

    Adding annotations for font proofing.

  12. Images

    Inserting reference images into the background.

  13. Previewing & Testing

    Previewing kerning, features, interpolation, and more.